Are you looking for a name for your fictional goblin character?
Coming up with a good goblin name is not an easy task. These strange creatures require unique names with a specific tone.
Today, we’re listing 350+ funny and famous goblin names to inspire you. They’re inspired by mythology, games, and literature. You’ll also find some unique monikers you’ve never heard of before!
What is a goblin?
A goblin is a small, grotesque creature in fairy tales and folklore. Goblins are depicted as wicked, mischievous, and evil. It is said that goblins have some magical powers.
Goblins are said to live in dark forests, underground, or in other secluded places. They are typically described as short in stature with large ears, green skin, and sharp teeth.
Some believe that goblins can be helpful creatures, while others see them as nothing more than pests.
Goblin names from Harry Potter
In Harry Potter, goblins are a race of magical humanoids. They run the Gringotts Wizarding Bank. These are some goblins from the Harry Potter universe.
Alguff the Awful | |
Bogrod | |
Brodrig the Boss-Eyed | |
Burgock | |
Eargit the Ugly | |
Gnarlak | |
Gringott | The founder of Gringotts. |
Griphook | A goblin who works at Gringotts. |
Nagnok | |
Odbert | |
Ragnok | |
Ragnuk the First | The goblin that made the sword of Gryffindor. |
Ug the Unreliable | |
Urg the Unclean | |
Urgruff the Unwary |
WoW goblin names
Here are some of the best World of Warcraft goblin name ideas.
Official names
Donais | |
Druz | |
Gazlowe | |
Grizzle | |
Helix | Means “spiral” in Latin. |
Jastor | |
Kryll | |
Marin | Means “of the sea”. |
Mida | |
Mogul | |
Neesa | “Beginning, one who has goals”. |
Pauli | |
Pozzik | |
Revilgaz | |
Rixxa |
WoW male goblin names
- Anak Coarsegleam
- Ashmezeet Smalltwister
- Bala Sharpfight
- Beenbi Fizbomb
- Edanbeenk Bentburst
- Eme Barrendrive
- Faxonk Greedpocket
- Fonqi Cogsnap
- Gink Mancheek
- Gitild Dampfeet
- Greerd Leafblaster
- Jek Eagerchin
- Jotveblak Steamsnap
- Kebleexenkle Peppervolt
- Kemek Shiftflame
- Ken Botmine
- Klol Hardracket
- Meendak Barrencord
- Mylgoz Cogjolt
- Qelate Leafhold
- Qexi Dampfuse
- Razdi Greasymind
- Rolkies Fizzlecrook
- Sal Sandbutton
- Sexmenkle Brightknob
- Sylqald Coarsespark
- Vanie Coarsejolt
- Wodxyqiz Madboot
- Ytqi Looseracket
- Yzmeenkle Boltsprocket
WoW female goblin names
- Alko Rapidtwister
- Ankie Cheapbrake
- Anqax Scrollgob
- Blal Blindscrew
- Blelols Faintpatch
- Bleski Saltburst
- Cagbix Faintnozzle
- Ceso Boltbeam
- Epginkle Madcheek
- Flax Megacoil
- Flaz Goldgift
- Flenkle Peddlecharge
- Fluvatte Cheapdust
- Geepqigi Craftpinch
- Igba Blandwatts
- Kilbuqal Barrensnap
- Kluildinkle Mudhook
- Klyx Topbrass
- Kuizz Vexbrass
- Mavonk Groundknob
- Neqys Bothammer
- Pekokle Brightbelt
- Pepqa Falsebulb
- Rimex Blindboot
- Sankie Steampocket
- Sikex Ficklecoat
- Slemi Bentbelt
- Slevami Craftfuel
- Slige Vexbottom
- Ulne Groundsnipe

Goblin names DnD
These are some famous goblins in Dungeons and Dragons:
- Crimson Hat
- Fugh
- Grishnar
- Gully
- Huro-Huro
- Iz Iz
- Kalo
- Moka
- Pakpak
- Shake Spear
- Tik
- Trizick
- Uur’lok
- Yameeka
- Zarl
Male names
- Bait
- Boardung
- Breadstick
- Crub
- Duchark
- Frogface
- Froghead
- Gnat
- Grimeeyes
- Hilk
- Krajuk
- Krogdu
- Mudgut
- Mule
- Mulk
- Nug
- Numbknuckle
- Oafknuckles
- Pugu
- Sab
- Shrillmug
- Sot
- Stagerk
- Tag
- Toadbrain
- Toenail
- Ullo
- Urrerg
- Zok
Female names
- Benteyes
- Bildis
- Bitesize
- Brokenfoot
- Dalnut
- Dergruden
- Dirtchin
- Goutfeet
- Invoddis
- Jagne
- Jil
- Judok
- Jugnen
- Junveldun
- Madeye
- Maggot
- Mealworm
- Mossear
- Muckleg
- Mudhead
- Murgos
- No-Ear
- Nolzaddun
- Pidres
- Pignul
- Qertun
- Ruldis
- Smugbone
- Stubflank
- Uglymug
Female goblin names

Most goblins in popular culture tend to be male. Do you know any female goblin from Harry Potter, for example?
Fortunately, there are some great names for female goblins when you do some digging. These are some of our favorites:
Aruih | |
Crossia | |
Dottieldi | |
Foikkulmi | |
Giosha | |
Gnax | |
Khimzoldea | |
Lonx | |
Neesa | A goblin engineer in World of Warcraft. |
Qualsea | |
Rianoshi | |
Shake Spear | A female goblin in Dungeons and Dragons. Loves writing plays. |
Slehxee | |
Tulx | |
Ulm | |
Yameeka | A female goblin in DND. |
More female names:
- Aurora
- Azalea
- Bhalxa
- Blieq
- Branqia
- Ceaselk
- Chisris
- Een
- Evangeline
- Freya
- Gnifza
- Gnoghah
- Gnyh
- Greta
- Grimelda
- Grimhilda
- Grobruiss
- Hazel
- Hignash
- Ivy
- Jart
- Kekuinqee
- Khig
- Khopmus
- Khuh
- Lilith
- Lixie
- Luna
- Lyla
- Morga
- Morgana
- Neesnoilkia
- Nova
- Noz
- Oipnong
- Olive
- Phaaplos
- Phions
- Piovlugs
- Puipvosx
- Ravenna
- Ruby
- Sriesuhx
- Sruizzai
- Stix
- Sylphina
- Thiboh
- Vexia
- Vreekzult
- Vros
- Vygai
- Willow
- Zara
- Zephyra
Male goblin names
- Balb
- Bierm
- Blaggut
- Blight
- Blightfang
- Choidiorx
- Chybsoct
- Clut
- Cykt
- Dodfoig
- Drielx
- Fiogbic
- Genk
- Glalaalb
- Gnarlden
- Gnumiakz
- Gobblin
- Grimble
- Grimgar
- Grimmlock
- Grimmok
- Grog
- Grommash
- Gruff
- Heantuq
- Iebur
- Kliesb
- Leerx
- Lyrt
- Nibbles
- Nix
- Orx
- Priasz
- Ragnuk
- Slaznats
- Snaggle
- Snaggletooth
- Snikbok
- Snikrot
- Stagolb
- Stekz
- Strearx
- Throgash
- Throgg
- Tirviold
- Utmor
- Warm
- Xubnaald
- Zikx
- Zog
- Zogar
- Zralikx
- Zutog

Funny goblin names
Are you looking for a hilarious goblin name? These are some of your best options.
- Bankrup
- Blobhyrd
- Clird
- Coindropper
- Darksparkle
- Dullsmith
- Eaztirt
- Eex
- Glitbank
- Goblinator
- Gobzilla
- Goldcoin
- Golddropper
- Grumblebelly
- Grumpykins
- Lolteg
- Luikt
- Ponk
- Silverpants
- Smallsword
- Stiggocks
- Wealthwish
- Wugs
- Zuild
Korean goblin names
Korean goblins are known as “dokkaebi“. They are nature spirits that play tricks on humans and also help them.
Cham dokkaebi | A mischievous spirit. |
Chonggak dokkaebi | A bachelor that attracts humans. |
Gae dokkaebi | An evil goblin. |
Gaksi dokkaebi | A maiden that attracts humans. |
Gim Seoband dokkaebi | A dumb creature. |
Go dokkaebi | Skilled at fighting. |
Nat dokkaebi | Appear in the daytime. |
Oedari dokkaebi | A one-legged goblin. Plays the Korean wrestling Ssireum. |
Oenun dokkaebi | A one-eyed dokkaebi. Eats a lot. |
Famous goblin names

Barius | A goblin in the Goblin Quest series. |
Erlking | A malevolent goblin in a German legend. |
Mordak | A goblin in The Good, The Bad, and The Smug by Tom Holt. |
Trasgu | A goblin-like mythical creature in Northern Spain and Portugal. |
Cute goblin names
- Ark
- Bumble
- Bumbleberry
- Bumbletum
- Chulk
- Dealsing
- Eltiebs
- Giggles
- Glimmer
- Gnerx
- Gobby
- Griog
- Or
- Pippin
- Puddlekins
- Pyx
- Snickerdoodle
- Snickersnack
- Snugglepuff
- Spriggles
- Sprinkle
- Sprinklefoot
- Winkleberry
- Winkles
- Winklesnout
- Wisp
- Wraagoc
- Zelb
Goblin name generator
Our goblin name generator is a fun tool that is easy to use. It generates a fitting name based on your answers.
You’ll only need to answer six easy questions. Then, you’ll get an optimal goblin name immediately.
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