Ladybugs undoubtedly top the list of tiny insects for their charm and vibrant colors. These little creatures have captured our hearts with their polka-dotted wings and dainty demeanor.
In this article, you’ll find 150+ unique ladybug names that will make you appreciate these delightful insects even more!
Names of ladybug species
There are 5,000 different ladybug species in the world. We won’t list all of them, but here are some of the most common ones:
Species name | Latin name | Appearance |
22-spot ladybird | Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata | Yellow with 22 black spots. |
Asian lady beetle | Harmonia axyridis | Large in size and comes in various colors. |
Eighteen-spotted ladybird | Myrrha octodecimguttata | Brown with white spots. |
Fifteen-spotted lady beetle | Anatis labiculata | Forewings can be of multiple colors, with 15 spots. |
Fourteen-spotted ladybug | Propylea quatuordecimpunctata | Comes in a variety of colors. Has 14 black, rectangular-shaped spots on the forewings. |
Nine-spotted lady beetle | Coccinella novemnotata | Four black spots on each forewing, and one divided between two wings. |

Species name | Latin name | Appearance |
Seven-spotted ladybug (seven-spot ladybird) | Coccinella septempunctata | Red elytra (forewings) with black spots. |
Steelblue ladybird | Halmus chalybeus | Blue or green with no spots on forewings. |
Ten-spotted ladybird | Adalia decempunctata | Red, orange, or brown with 0 to 12 dark spots. |
Thirteen-spot ladybeetle | Hippodamia tredecimpunctata | Red or orange with 13 black spots. |
Twenty-spotted lady beetle | Psyllobora vigintimaculata | Dark or orange spots on white background. |
Two-spot ladybird | Adalia bipunctata | Red forewings with two black spots (one in each wing). |
Yellow-shouldered ladybird | Apolinus lividigaster | A yellow spot on each side of the thorax. Dark forewings with fluffy, light hair! |

How to choose a ladybug name
These types of names work perfectly for ladybugs:
Names that mean ”red”: The seven-spot ladybird or seven-spotted ladybug is known for its red wings with black spots. It is probably the most recognizable ladybug species in the world.
Names that mean ”red”, such as Crimson or Scarlett, are perfect for this beautiful beetle.
If your ladybug is of another color, you can choose a name based on that.
Flower names: Names of flowers and nature-themed monikers are perfect for ladybugs.
Insect names: You can also draw inspiration from name ideas intended for other insects, such as butterfly names.
Girl ladybug names (+ meanings)
Cute, girly names fit female ladybugs.
And, of course, flower names like Lily or Poppy are perfect for ladybug girls.
Adalia | Inspired by Adalia bipunctata, the Latin name for the two-spotted ladybug. |
Adelina | ”Small winged one” (Latin) |
Akako | ”Red child” (Japanese) |
Anaïs | ”Grace” (French) |
Betty | ”Oath of God” (Hebrew) |
Birgitta | ”Exalted one” (Scandinavian) |
Blanca | ”White” (Spanish) |
Coccinella | ”Ladybug” in Italian. |
Daisy | |
Dandelion | |
Donna | ”Lady” (Italian) |
Fleur | ”Flower” (French) |
Flora | ”Flower” (Latin) |
Grace | |
Harmonia | After the Latin name of the Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis. |
Iris | ”Rainbow” (Greek) |
Kerttu | A Finnish girl’s name. The Finnish name for the ladybug is leppäkerttu. |
Lady | A bit obvious, but of course, this is a fitting name for a ladybug! |
Lala | ”Tulip” (Armenian) |
Lavender | |
Leia | ”Heavenly flowers” (Hebrew) |
Leila | ”Night” (Arabic) |
Lena | ”Ray of light” (Persian origin) |
Libby | ”God’s promise” (Hebrew origin) |
Lila | |
Lily | |
Liz | ”God’s promise” (Hebrew origin) |
Lottie | ”Free woman” (French origin) |
Louisa | ”Famous warrior” (German) |
Lulu | ”Pearl” (Arabic) |
Luna | ”Moon” (Latin) |
Lydia | ”From Lydia” (Greek) |
Mara | Inspired by bubamara, the Serbian name for the ladybug. |
Marie | After the German name of the ladybug; marienkäfer. |
Marietta | Inspired by marieta, which is ”ladybug” in Catalan. |
Marigold | |
Mariquita | ”Ladybug” in Spanish. |
Mary | The ladybug got its name from Virgin Mary. |
Meadow | ”Field of grass” (American) |
Nella | Inspired by the Latin name for the ladybug, coccinella. |
Pirkko | A Finnish female name found in many Finnish names for ladybug species. |
Poppy | ”Red flower” (Latin) |
Ruby | A fitting name for a red ladybug. |
Scarlett | ”Red” (French) |
Septima | ”Seventh” (Latin). This name fits a seven-spotted ladybug. |
Violet |
Boy ladybug names (+ meanings)

Even though the beloved beetle is called a ladybug, not all of them are girls!
Male ladybug names are not as easy to come up with as female versions. But there are still many adorable monikers for ladybug boys:
Abrash | ”Spotted” (Arabic) |
Amarillo | ”Yellow” in Spanish. A fitting name for a yellow ladybug, such as a 22-spot ladybird. |
Avel | ”Gentle breath” (Hebrew) |
Ayodeji | ”Double joy” (Yoruba). This name suits a two-spotted ladybug. |
Bert | ”Bright” (German) |
Birger | ”Save, rescue” (Scandinavian) |
Buck | This name fits ladybugs because it sounds like ”bug”. |
Claus | ”Victory of the people” (German) |
Cletus | ”Called forth” (Greek) |
Cosmo | ”Beauty, universe” (Greek) |
Engelbert | ”Bright angel” (German) |
Felix | ”Fortunate” (Latin). A fitting name for a ladybug since ladybugs symbolize good luck. |
Gilbert | ”Bright promise” (German) |
Helios | ”Sun” (Greek) |
Helix | ”Spiral” (Greek) |
Jasper | ”Treasurer” (Persian) |
Lance | ”Land” (German origin) |
Lancelot | ”Servant” (French) |
Leif | “Heir” (Scandinavian) |
Lennart | ”Brave lion” (German) |
Linus | ”Flax” (Greek) |
Louis | ”Famous warrior” (German) |
Mario | A male equivalent of the name Mary (Virgin Mary is the origin of the name ”ladybug”). |
Martin | This is another male name that is similar to Mary. |
Perttu | A Finnish male name that rhymes with Kerttu (derived from leppäkerttu, the Finnish name for the ladybug). |
Rubeus | ”Red” (Latin). This name fits a red ladybug. |
Septimus | ”Seventh” (Latin). A fitting name for a seven-spotted ladybug. |

Good ladybug names
- Breeze
- Crimson
- Fennel
- Florence
- Florian
- Garnet
- Ginger
- Leaf
- Lenny
- Leslie
- Maroon
- Phoenix
- Sienna
- Spring
- Summer
- Willow
- Zephyr
Cute ladybug names
Ladybugs are some of the cutest insects!
Names that bring out their dotted forewings, such as Polkadot or Spotty, are always adorable.
If you have a striped ladybird, you could call them Stripey.
- Apple
- Apricot
- Bugsy
- Buzzy
- Cerise
- Cherry
- Clover
- Coco
- Cupcake
- Dizzy
- Dot
- Dotty
- Lucky
- Nectar
- Petal
- Pixie
- Polkadot
- Pumpkin
- Rosie
- Spot
- Spotty
- Strawberry
- Stripey
- Sunny
Funny ladybug names
- Beatrix Beetlejuice
- Buggy Betty
- Bugsy Buzzington
- Count Flutterwings
- Dotty Redwing
- Duchess Dotty
- Lady Applebottom
- Lady Bugglesworth
- Lady Gaga
- Luna the Laughing Ladybug
- Poppy Beetlemore
- Spotify
- Spotzilla
- The Beetles

Famous ladybug names
Flibby | A ladybug in the video game Croc: Legend of the Gobbos. Baron Dante turned her into a boxer boss in Fight Night with Flibby. |
Francis | A drag queen ladybug in the animated film A Bug’s Life. |
Lulu | The protagonist of the Ladybug Girl picture book series. |
Miraculous Ladybug names
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir is an animated television series that has taken the world by storm.
This action-packed show follows Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste, two teenagers who transform into their alter egos Ladybug and Cat Noir. They achieve this with the help of Kwamis and magical jewelry called Miraculouses.
These are some of the main characters in Miraculous Ladybug:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Ladybug) | Marinette Dupain-Cheng is the protagonist in Miraculous Ladybug. She transforms into a superhero called Ladybug. |
Adrien Agreste (Cat Noir) | The protagonist in the series along with Marinette. He transforms into a superhero Cat Noir. |
Alya Césaire (Rena Rouge) | Marinette’s best friend. |
Nino Lahiffe (Carapace) | Adrien’s best friend. |
Tikki | The Kwami of Creation. |
Plagg | The Kwami of Destruction. |
Master Fu | Gave Marinette and Adrien their Miraculouses. |
Gabriel Agreste (Hawk Moth) | The main antagonist in the series. He’s also Adrien’s father. |
Chloé Bourgeois (Queen Bee) | Marinette’s rival and an antagonist in the series. |
Sabrina Raincomprix | Chloé Bourgeois’s dedicated helper and friend. |
Kagami Tsurugi (Ryuko) | A Japanese student who transforms into a dragon-themed superhero Ryuko. |
Luka Couffaine (Viperion) | Transforms into a snake-themed superhero Viperion. |

Ladybug FAQ
Where does the name ”ladybug” come from?
The name ”ladybug” came from European farmers. Pests were eating their crops, and they prayed to Virgin Mary for help.
Ladybugs came to the rescue and ate the harmful pests. The farmers started calling the heroic bugs with the name ”beetle of Our Lady”.
This explains why the name of the ladybug in many languages translates as ”Mary-beetle”.
What do ladybugs symbolize?
Ladybugs symbolize good luck, prosperity, fertility, and rebirth.
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