Today, we’re introducing 423 best half orc names that will make your character stand out.
From orcish roots to more traditional monikers, this list has it all. Whether you’re writing a novel, creating a video game character, or playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends, these unique names will help bring your vision alive.
Half-orcs are a powerful and often nomadic race in the fantasy genre, and their names reflect the strength of their culture.
As the name “half-orc” suggests, these creatures mix orc and human. Half-orcs are slightly larger than humans with a muscular build. Half-orcs usually have gray-greenish skin, a sharp jaw, large teeth, and a sloping forehead.
Half-orcs don’t quite fit in either with orcs or humans. Half-orcs are more intelligent than orcs. Orcs are known as powerful but dumb creatures.
On the other hand, half-orcs are physically stronger than humans. Their appearance and personalities are different from those of humans, so half-orcs don’t fit in human communities.
Since half orcs live between two worlds, many become nomads and find their individual adventures outside orc and human cultures.
Female half-orc names
While male half orc names tend to be quite rugged, the female monikers are more graceful, even poetic.
Whether you’re looking for a traditional name or something more modern, this is a great starting point as you create your unique story through your character’s adventures.
- Ahgu
- Alna
- Azule
- Bable
- Bosh
- Burohki
- Callah
- Cidru
- Dal
- Darla
- Drella
- Durga
- Ebre
- Eclan
- Edna
- Eiva
- Ellah
- Emlide
- Faygutta
- Gertrud
- Gigrada
- Gish
- Gro
- Gudrid
- Gudrun
- Haralda
- Harva
- Hertha
- Hildegard
- Hirva
- Hjordis
- Iden
- Inla
- Irah
- Kave
- Kesh
- Kezre
- Kol
- Koute
- Mirthva
- Movodish
- Mugagux
- Natte
- Naydavux
- Nix
- Nomaith
- Oga
- Onath
- Oona
- Orgo
- Oruto
- Oto
- Ragna
- Rah
- Rajna
- Rara
- Raya
- Revna
- Rhath
- Rhea
- Rhiza
- Rhonda
- Riljka
- Ritva
- Rolna
- Ronja
- Rungilo
- Ruth
- Shan
- Shash
- Shisla
- Sif
- Sigrid
- Sisli
- Sohrah
- Tajkoh
- Taru
- Thabith
- Thath
- Tish
- Ulrika
- Unga
- Venla
- Vix
- Wanla
- Yrsa
- Zarah
- Zenamar
- Zillah
- Zix
- Zunidar
Half-orc male names

Half orc male names range from orcish to more human-like and even humorous.
Look through the list to find inspiration and choose the perfect name to match your character’s background story. With so many great options, you’ll be ready to join in on an epic adventure in no time!
- Ararak
- Arndt
- Azvash
- Baan
- Borm
- Braarg
- Bradugdot
- Brordrork
- Brud
- Brurk
- Crailrol
- Crerm
- Diktekish
- Draandukat
- Drabri
- Drakom
- Dre
- Drultrilau
- Drum
- Durug
- Egilrirg
- Eivo
- Ekraarg
- Elrig
- Frode
- Gaabondrik
- Galask
- Garth
- Gert
- Gnolroth
- Gnuurg
- Gnuzvaria
- Gorak
- Gorm
- Grastroar
- Gregory
- Grud
- Gus
- Harald
- Harri
- Hrakdoch
- Hrirdrug
- Hristre
- Hrog
- Hruull
- Hol
- Kerg
- Khikdach
- Kirakoch
- Krargiazon
- Krauldrid
- Krordredi
- Kroredell
- Kungan
- Lozruuth
- Melkruul
- Modhuk
- Nark
- Nelm
- Nogenvarg
- Nomar
- Odger
- Olkri
- Ondrork
- Orgol
- Oz
- Rainer
- Raj
- Roar
- Roth
- Rua
- Rurik
- Rzule
- Sigurd
- Skarde
- Soalkraas
- Soldroth
- Tarak
- Tezoakrirk
- Thuubolaall
- Troels
- Tor
- Trazrurk
- Trodzoth
- Trot
- Tsolm
- Uolevi
- Ylermi
- Zalram
- Zaul
- Zoll
- Zor
Funny half orc names

Half-orc characters are known for their brute strength and physical prowess; they often represent the darker side of human life.
With these funny half-orc names, however, you can give your character some comic relief despite their gruff demeanor.
- Brag
- Brox
- Brush
- Bugbear
- Croak
- Fomo
- Fungo
- Garish
- George Orcwell
- Gerd
- Giltil
- Gnurk
- Gruff
- Grumpy
- Grunt
- Gut
- Hammer
- Hassu
- Hazard
- Hig
- Hullu
- Hurdle
- Lolrc
- Mork
- Moth
- Nerd
- Nut
- Olm
- Orca
- Orcenstein
- Puh
- Rarro
- Rax
- Roar
- Rol
- Rush
- Scoundrel
- Smack
- Snark
- Sossu
- Struck
- Tassu
- Tax
- Tuh
- Unlaylay
- Viagraath
- Wax
- Win
- Wizard
Badass half orc names
- Cruncher
- Crusher
- Dart
- Eldersword
- Forge
- Gonors
- Greer
- Gush
- Hurvurd
- Iron
- Lordorc
- Mach
- Masher
- Max
- Mordorc
- Mortar
- Nomadorc
- Orex
- Raven
- Revenge
- Thanorgith
- Titan
- Thunder
- Tundra
Half-orc barbarian names
- Alnocuth
- Berdrogdeg
- Bloodthirst
- Bragiark
- Deaththirst
- Drilrurm
- Fightfist
- Guardsmasher
- Hardrage
- Harmbearer
- Hellbearer
- Hraivoakoars
- Hrizhg
- Killeth
- Murderorc
- Noktezhg
- Ragesword
- Ralgrin
- Tsuurv
- Warfist
- Warthirst
- Zoalongraarm
- Zudaingrig
- Zukturg
DnD half-orc names
These names fit the half-orcs in Dungeons and Dragons.

Male DnD half orc names
- Aragash
- Arnomash
- Arnubar
- Barodak
- Barorth
- Crozur
- Dram
- Duruglar
- Galegar
- Garedim
- Grimidark
- Grumadak
- Hogizur
- Kelerk
- Magurall
- Makutur
- Mogigark
- Mugan
- Ogguutir
- Oguusk
- Orozall
- Renamar
- Thurazall
- Trukatar
- Trukugar
- Uraburk
- Ukrark
- Zaez
- Zaramak
Female D&D half orc names
- Alozar
- Ekitar
- Eloni
- Garamar
- Gigum
- Giki
- Gryigur
- Gryodur
- Karezara
- Ketagar
- Kiramur
- Kirotir
- Kutamur
- Mirozar
- Nami
- Olesha
- Olozur
- Rashazara
- Sagar
- Shayinchu
- Shayori
- Temizi
- Tumami
- Umuz
- Uriz
- Zenozura
- Zuniwar
Male half-orc names Pathfinder

- Adrun Sheshky
- Aikrol Andro
- Broch Korro
- Cex Huz
- Cridroarus Maxloghum
- Dakrut Vuk
- Dazvaun Shich
- Dazza Nasvov
- Dol Anrald
- Gingro Valri
- Gran Mushky
- Grask Rolreld
- Helm Zem
- His Maz
- Hondur Vetsky
- Hrairv Nok
- Kizrarm Saz
- Madzit Zodkun
- Mistrondrin Terrikix
- Mol Juzribror
- Nain Molruski
- Nan Vashky
- Pias Cad
- Tage Ostelm
- Thaask Morgekrach
- Thandrox Dan
- Thiazvurg Bolkik
- Tsagdiastruk Kelivum
- Tsis Ruz
- Zorv Jach
Female half orc names Pathfinder
- Aisra Indrazki
- Arda Bev
- Babi Hirratsky
- Bruta Sid
- Dobla Thankax
- Dose Ostedkad
- Emlo Kilm
- Ginluongi Damkolkishky
- Ilri Thich
- Inli Ister
- Megrihku Venesvilm
- Ocruh Zolreshky
- Ono Rild
- Salto Mild
- Sehro Hotsky
- Shamgox Kakrir
- Shayvre Votsky
- Somlay Bagrik
- Straivilni Hex
- Stretohkuo Dedrunrushky
- Strulnayth Gotkazun
- Tohga Sen
- Uco Borshim
- Ucrin Jov
- Uglu Coshkax
- Uhkay Gnach
- Vuzrumih Zox
- Zihgo Gix
- Zinla Vatkem
- Zurlengah Rud
Half-orc last names
- Andaz
- Arur
- Babrishky
- Cetsky
- Coch
- Elkilm
- Gnild
- Gymri
- Hirvoga
- Kam
- Molm
- Morgenstern
- Rashka
- Ren
- Rorro
- Shald
- Sheshky
- Thurman
- Tuch
- Wezondrak
- Wolrild
- Wox
- Zer
- Zok
- Zolm
- Zotkim
- Zum
Half orc name generator
If you’re looking for a fun and effortless way to generate a half orc name, look no further than our half orc name generator.
All you have to do is answer six simple questions, and we’ll give you a unique name. And if you don’t like it, just answer the questions differently and get a new one. It’s that easy!
Half orc names FAQ
How are half-orcs named?
Half-orcs are a mix of human and orc ancestry. The best half-orc names are based on both cultures, melding elements from human and orc naming conventions to create something unique.
Orc names have lots of harsh and guttural sounds. Half orc names have them too, but they don’t sound as brutal as orc names.
Can half-orcs have human names?
Some human names fit half orcs if they sound right. The best monikers have many consonants and sound orcish, even if they’re intended for naming humans.
I hope you found some half orc names you liked. Whether you are a roleplayer or a storyteller, these names will add a twist to your character and enhance their personality.
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