Gold dragons are some of the most powerful and majestic creatures in the fantasy world. They are revered for their strength and wisdom and often serve as guardians and protectors of their realms. As such, they deserve a name that reflects their strength and grandeur.
Explore our list of over 200 best gold dragon names. Whether you are looking for a name for a pet dragon or a character in a story, this list has something for everyone.
How to choose a gold dragon name
These types of names fit gold dragons:
Names that mean ”gold”, ”sun”, or ”star”: These types of monikers have the perfect meaning for gold dragons.
Other dragon names: You can also find inspiration from name ideas intended for other dragons, such as red dragons.
Female gold dragon names
These are the top name ideas for gold female dragons, including their meanings:
Ambrosia | ”Immortal” (Greek) |
Astra | ”Of the stars” (Greek) |
Arev | ”Sun” (Armenian) |
Aurelia | ”The golden one” (Latin) |
Cyra | ”Sun” (Persian) |
Elidi | ”Gift of the sun” (Greek) |
Helia | ”Sun” (Greek) |
Heulwen | ”Sunshine” (Welsh) |
Jinjing | ”Golden well” (Chinese) |
Kalinda | ”The sun” (Greek) |
Kyra | ”Throne” (Persian) |
Mehri | ”Kind, lovable, sunny” (Persian) |
Nia | ”Bright” (Welsh) |
Oralie | ”Golden” (French) |
Rezarta | ”Golden ray” (Albanian) |
Savita | ”Sun” (Hindi) |
Seren | ”Star” (Welsh) |
Synnove | ”Sun gift” (Scandinavian) |
Tesni | ”Warmth of the sun” (Welsh) |
Xanthia | ”Yellow, blonde” (Greek) |
Zia | ”Light” (Arabic) |

Male gold dragon names
Explore the best names for gold male dragons, plus their meanings:
Aditya | ”The sun” (Sanskrit) |
Alastor | ”Avenger” (Greek) |
Arcturus | ”Bear guardian” (Greek). It is also the name of a star. |
Astraeus | ”Star” (Greek) |
Astro | ”Of the stars” (Greek) |
Aurelius | ”The golden one” (Latin) |
Auron | ”Exalted one” (Hebrew) |
Azrael | ”Helped by God” (Hebrew) |
Balor | ”The deadly one” (Irish) |
Cadfael | ”Battle prince” (Welsh) |
Cyrus | ”Sun” (Persian) |
Draco | ”Dragon” (Greek) |
Galen | ”Calm, healer” (Greek) |
Gildor | ”Generation of joy” (Hebrew) |
Glaurung | ”Gold worm” (Sindarin) |
Elgan | ”Bright circle” (Welsh) |
Eurig | ”Gold” (Welsh) |
Eurion | ”Gold” (Welsh) |
Haul | ”Sun” (Welsh) |
Helios | ”Sun” (Greek) |
Huanglong | ”Yellow dragon” (Chinese) |
Kiran | ”Ray of light” (Sanksrit) |
Kinryu | ”Golden dragon” (Japanese) |
Tudor | ”Gift of God” (Welsh) |
Xanthus | ”Golden, yellow” (Greek) |
Unisex gold dragon names
These are the top gender-neutral names for gold dragons:
- Aurelian
- Solara
- Radiantus
- Aurumis
- Lumina
- Solstice
- Aurifex
- Celestia
- Solaris
- Gildedrake
- Auryn
- Gloriana
- Solstice
- Luminary
- Aurelia
- Phoenix
- Auric
- Daybreak
- Sunbeam
- Goldwyn
- Blaze
- Eirian (“Bright” in Welsh)
- Ember
- Heulog (“Sunny” in Welsh)
- Jinping (“Peaceful gold” in Chinese)
Unique names for a gold dragon
- Ambrosia
- Astra
- Auro
- Azura
- Blaze
- Cinder
- Citrine
- Comet
- Cygnus
- Ember
- Flame
- Flicker
- Glimmer
- Glint
- Glitter
- Goldie
- Hecate
- Helios
- Ignis
- Jett
- Jewel
- Kyan
- Lux
- Meteor
- Phoenix
Funny names for gold dragons
- Aureolaughs
- Aurumguffaw
- Bling Bling
- Chuckleflame
- Gigglescale
- Gilded Gigglewing
- Glitterbelly
- Glitterscale
- Gold Digger
- Golden Chuckleclaw
- Golden Nugget
- Golden Retriever
- Golden Snitch
- Golden Ticket
- Goldfinger
- Goldie Grinfire
- Goldie Hawn
- Goldilocks
- Goldilocks and the Three Dragons
- Goldmember
- Goldrush
- Goldstache
- Goldy McGoldface
- Laughing Lustrum
- Midas
- Shiny McShinerson

Famous gold dragon names
Faranth | A gold dragon in the Dragonriders of Pern series. |
Glaedr | A golden dragon in the fantasy novel Brisingr. |
Ramoth | A golden dragon in the Dragonriders of Pern. |
Gold dragon names DnD
Gold dragons are the strongest metallic dragons in the Dungeons and Dragons.
The names of gold dragons in Dungeons and Dragons are as majestic as the creatures themselves, reflecting their ancient wisdom and noble nature.
Some popular choices for gold dragon names include Aurelius, signifying golden excellence and nobility; Solara, evoking the radiance and warmth of the sun; and Auranthor, which emphasizes strength and regal power. These names capture the essence of these magnificent beings. They highlight the virtuous qualities that make them revered protectors in the DnD realm.
Female names
- Aurelia
- Badspeaker
- Celestia
- Cirnanihdrar
- Danithri
- Darnythnan
- Darokamimel
- Dilnathnil
- Elysia
- Gaunida
- Hevarahlni
- Kerlohlne
- Lyra
- Medyvdher
- Mirnakharecer
- Molmehdrekhan
- Noleldral
- Nova
- Olmavrera
- Rarlima
- Rigaken
- Rilmakhevan
- Seraphina
- Smugbreath
- Stonestriker
- Strongbringer
- The Butcher
- The Celebrated
- The Enigma
- The Fearless
- The Generous
- The Great
- The Proud
- The Warmonger
- Valoria
- Vemothre
- Venymel
Male names
- Aurelius
- Banebeast
- Chaethrigath
- Chevamux
- Chiresthod
- Drakon
- Dregnegar
- Dremaltrus
- Dretar
- Drognaginenas
- Furybelly
- Gaedrorolesk
- Grethir
- Halfbreaker
- Hamotor
- Higneth
- Ignatius
- Itad
- Keenfly
- Maelgoladamark
- Mightyeye
- Milganark
- Orendask
- Phoebus
- Pivescar
- Proteniragus
- Regulus
- Shadeflight
- Silverwatcher
- Solarius
- Solstice
- Telnisteth
- The Awful
- The Defiant
- The Marked
- The Rich
- Theron
- Typhon
- Valerian
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