Who doesn’t love penguins? They are some of the most unique creatures in the animal kingdom. And their names are just as special as they are!
In this post, we’ll share 200+ of the best penguin names. From the classic Tuxedo to the more unique Pedro, there is sure to be a name for every penguin lover!
Names of penguin species
Penguins only live in the Southern hemisphere. They can be found in Antarctica, Australia, New Zealand, South America, and Africa.
If you see an image of penguins and polar bears hanging out together, it’s most likely not an authentic photo. Polar bears only live in the Arctic circle. You won’t find any wild penguins in the Northern hemisphere.
There are 18 species of penguins in the world. Names of some of these species are as compelling as names for individual penguins.
This is a list of existing penguin species:
- Adélie penguin
- African penguin
- Chinstrap penguin
- Emperor penguin
- Erect-crested penguin
- Fiordland penguin
- Galapagos penguin
- Gentoo penguin
- Humboldt penguin
- King penguin
- Little penguin
- Macaroni penguin
- Magellanic penguin
- Northern rockhopper penguin
- Royal penguin
- Snares penguin
- Southern rockhopper penguin
- Yellow-eyed penguin
How to choose a penguin name
When you’re ready to name your penguin, consider a few things.
First, think about what kind of personality your penguin has. Is your penguin playful? Or serious? Adventurous or homebodies? This can help you narrow down your list of names.
When you’ve considered your penguin’s personality, consider what kinds of names you like. Do you prefer traditional names or something unique?
You might also want to bring out your penguin’s Antarctic roots. Winter names meaning snow and ice are perfect for penguins. These types of monikers reflect the cold habitats of these frosty birds.
Once you’ve found the perfect name, it’s time to start enjoying all the fun your new penguin friend brings you!
Good penguin names
- Alaska
- Aspen
- Atlantic
- Avalanche
- Blizzard
- Blue
- Chill
- Christmas
- Crystal
- Everest
- Frost
- Glacier
- Ice
- Iceland
- Icy
- Marble
- Noel
- Onyx
- Popper
- Snow
- Snow White
- Storm
- Stormy
- Tundra
- Winter
Cute baby penguin names
There are many cute names for a penguin, but which one is perfect for your baby bird? Whether you’re looking for a classic moniker or something unique, we’ve got you covered.

Here are some of our favorite baby penguin names:
- Birdie
- Budgie
- Dotty
- Feathers
- Fluffy
- Freckles
- Happy
- Herbie
- Icecream
- Jazz
- Mitten
- Nemo
- Oreo
- Pebble
- Pepper
- Pidgeon
- Pingu
- Pudgy
- Puff
- Snowflake
- Snowy
- Snuggles
- Willy
Funny penguin names
Penguins are some of the most amusing creatures on Earth. From their comical walk to their adorable tuxedo-like appearance, it’s no wonder that these birds have captivated our hearts.

Here are some funny name ideas for penguins:
- Breeze
- Byrd
- Chilly
- Emperor
- Fisher
- Flipper
- Frosty
- General
- Iceberg
- Ice Cube
- Icicle
- Igloo
- Mr. Beaks
- Ms. Beaks
- Mumble
- Popsicle
- Shorty
- Skater
- Slippy
- Snowball
- Tapdance
- Tapper
- Tappy
- Torpedo
- Turbo
- Tuxedo
- Vanilla Ice
- Waddle
Popular penguin names
Do you want a name that is common and well-known amongst penguins?
These are some great penguin names for you:
- Chilly
- Cook
- Flipper
- Frosty
- Gloria
- Kowalski
- Mumble
- Pingu
- Popper
- Snow
Cool penguin names
There’s no doubt that penguins are amongst the coolest birds on our planet! These monikers reflect their chill vibes:

- Boss
- Bullet
- Caesar
- Drake
- Duke
- Flash
- King
- Phantom
- Phoenix
- Rocky
- Shadow
- Storm
- Zoom
Boy penguin names
Here are some of the best name ideas for male penguins:
Ace | |
Alfonso | “Noble and ready” (Spanish) |
Alfred | “Wise counselor” (English) |
Buddy | |
Domino | “Lord, master” (Latin origin) |
Drake | “Dragon” (English) |
Duke | “Leader” (Latin) |
Fred | “Peaceful ruler” (English) |
Jack | Jack Frost is a personification of ice and winter. |
Jasper | “Treasurer” (Persian origin) |
Kevin | “Handsome” (Irish) |
Mickey | “Who resembles God?” (Hebrew) |
Nick | “Victory of the people” (Greek) |
Pablo | “Small” (Spanish) |
Paul | “Small” (Latin origin). This is a fitting name for a little penguin! |
Pedro | “Rock” (Spanish) |
Peter | “Rock” (Greek) |
Rocky | |
Sam | “God hears” (Hebrew origin) |
Thor | The Norse god of thunder. |
Wally | “Ruler of the army” (Welsh) |
Female penguin names
These are some cute names for girl penguins:

Adelie | “Noble” (French). This name is inspired by the Adélie penguin species. |
Anna | One of the princesses in the animated Disney film Frozen. |
Aurora | “Dawn” (Latin) |
Ava | “Like a bird” (Latin) |
Bianca | “White” (Italian) |
Cindy |
Ebony | “Deep black wood” (Latin) |
Eira | This Welsh name means “snow”. |
Elsa | “God is my oath” (German). A princess in the animated Disney film Frozen. |
Esmeralda | “Emerald” (Spanish) |
Fiona | “Fair” (Scottish) |
Georgia | South Georgia island is one of the habitats of king penguins. |
Gwen | “White, holy” (Welsh) |
Holly | “The Holly tree” (English) |
Matilda | “Battle strength” (German) |
Minnie | “Of the mind” (English) |
Neve | “Snow” (Latin) |
Pearl | “Precious gemstone” (English) |
Penny | “Weaver” (English) |
Piper | “Flute player” (English) |
Polly | “Star of the sea” (Latin) |
Poppy | “Red flower” (Latin) |
Vanilla |
Penguin names that start with P
- Pablo
- Paco
- Paloma
- Pancho
- Panda
- Patrick
- Paul
- Pax
- Pearl
- Pebbles
- Pedro
- Penelope
- Penn
- Penny
- Pepe
- Pepper
- Peppermint
- Pepsi
- Percy
- Perry
- Peter
- Phantom
- Phoebe
- Phoenix
- Pickles
- Pidgeon
- Ping
- Pingu
- Pip
- Piper
- Pippa
- Pixie
- Poco
- Polly
- Pongo
- Pope
- Popper
- Poppy
- Popsicle
- Portia
- Poseidon
- Private
- Pudgy
- Puffy
Famous penguin names from movies, literature, and video games

Captain Cook | A penguin in Richard and Florence Atwater’s children’s book Mr. Popper’s Penguins. |
Chill Penguin | A boss in the video game series Mega Man X. |
Greta | A penguin in the book Mr. Popper’s Penguins. |
Penta Penguin | A character in the Crash Bandicoot video game series. |
Pingo | Rasmus’ friend in the Danish comic series Rasmus Klump. |
Sgt. Byrd | Sgt. Byrd, or James Byrd, is a playable character in the video game Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon. |
Cartoon penguin names
Chilly Willy | A cartoon penguin who doesn’t like cold weather. |
Cozy Heart Penguin | A Care Bear Cousin in Care Bears. |
Feathers McGraw | A penguin villain in Wallace & Gromit. |
Gloria | Mumble’s mate in Happy Feet and Happy Feet 2. |
Mumble | An emperor penguin and the main character of the movie Happy Feet. |
Pingu | The title character of the animated series Pingu. |
Pip | One of the main characters in the animated Disney series T.O.T.S. |
The Amigos (Lombardo, Nestor, Ramón, Raul, and Rinaldo) | A group of Adélie penguins in the movie Happy Feet. |
Wheeze | A squishy toy penguin in the animated film Toy Story 2. |
The names of the Madagascar penguins
Madagascar penguins are the most well-known of all famous penguins. These are their names:
- Kowalski
- Private
- Rico
- Skipper
Penguin names FAQ
What are good club penguin names?
Some good club penguin names are funny ones like Waddles, Meltdown, Puffles, and Icecube.
Who gave penguins their name?
Most penguin species got their names from the explorers who found them. For example, the French explorer Jules Dumont d’Urville named the Adélie penguin after his wife Adéle.
More frosty winter names:
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