Do you need a name for your pet pig or a plush toy?
We have an extensive list of the 220+ best pig names for you!
This article is your ultimate guide to finding the perfect name for your porcine friend. Our exciting collection will leave you oinking for more!
How to choose a pig name
Pigs are intelligent and social animals, so finding a name that suits their personality is essential. Here are some tips on how to choose the perfect pig name.
First, consider your pet’s appearance or unique physical characteristics.
Does your pig have distinctive markings or colors? If so, you could choose a name that reflects these features.
For example, if your pig has spots, you could call them Dotty or Patches. A pink piglet could be named Blush or Pinky.
You could also choose a name that means ”pig” or ”boar”. Or go for a cute moniker that sounds fitting for a pig, such as Pippa or Poppy.
Also, consider your pet’s personality. A curious piglet could be named Ebba or Ebert since these names mean ”brave boar”.
Girl pig names
If you want a name that reflects your pig’s sweet nature, consider options like Daisy, Honey, or Buttercup. These names evoke images of innocence and charm, perfectly capturing the delightful essence of your girl pig.
If you’re looking for something more sassy and spirited, names like Pixie, Diva, or Bella might be just what you’re after.
We’ve also collected names that literally mean ”pig” or ”boar”.
Annabella | ”Loveable” (French) |
Bella | ”Beautiful” (Italian) |
Bertha | ”Bright one” (German) |
Buttercup | ”Yellow wildflower” (English) |
Clara | ”Bright, famous” (Latin) |
Daisy | ”Day’s eye” (English) |
Diva | ”Goddess” (Latin) |
Duchess | ”Leader” (Latin) |
Ebba | ”Brave boar” (German) |
Emma | ”Universal” (German) |
Gemma | ”Gem” (Latin) |
Ginger | ”Redhead” (English) |
Hera | ”Protectress” (Greek) |
Honey | ”Nectar” (British) |
Laporsha | A Latin name that means ”pig”. |
Lilo | ”Generous one” (German) |
Lily | ”Lily” (English) |
Nelly | ”Shining light” (Greek) |
Nora | ”Light” (Latin) |
Pansy | ”Thought” (French origin) |
Paprika | ”Red spice” (English) |
Pipsa | Peppa Pig’s Finnish name is Pipsa Possu (”Pipsa Pig”). |
Pixie | ”Fairy” (Cornish) |
Poppy | ”Red flower” (Latin) |
Porcha | ”Pig, offering” (Latin) |
Porsche | Porsche is a German luxury car manufacturer. But few people know the name actually means ”pig”. |
Portia | ”Pig” (Latin) |
Posy | ”Punch of flowers” (British) |
Rose | ”Rose” (Latin origin) |
Ruby | ”Red gemstone” (Latin) |
Sylvia | ”Forest” (Latin) |
Boy pig names
Names that mean ”boar”, such as Ebert and Irwin, emphasize your male pig’s masculinity.

Another fun option is Hamlet, inspired by the famous Shakespearean character. This name adds a touch of sophistication and literary flair to your boar’s persona while highlighting his charming nature.
Axel | ”Father of peace” (Icelandic) |
Badger | ”Traveling peddler” (British) |
Baxter | ”Baker” (English) |
Borden | ”Den of the boar” (English) |
Brutus | ”Heavy” (Latin) |
Caesar | ”Cut” (Latin) |
Cupid | ”Desire” (Latin) |
Duke | ”Leader” (Latin) |
Eberhard | ”Brave boar” (German) |
Ebert | ”Brave, strong boar” (German) |
Erwyn | ”Boar friend” (English) |
Everett | ”Strong boar” (English) |
Everton | ”Boar settlement” (British) |
Ewart | ”Strong boar” (British) |
Gríss | ”Piglet” (Old Norse) |
Hamilton | ”Treeless hill” (English) |
Hamlet | ”Little village” (Danish origin) |
Hammer | ”Blacksmith” (German) |
Hercules | ”Glory of Hera” (Greek) |
Irwin | ”Boar friend” (English) |
Napoleon | ”Lion of the new city” (Greek) |
Onni | ”Happiness” (Finnish) |
Oscar | ”Champion warrior” (Irish) |
Otto | ”Wealthy” (German) |
Pepe | ”Jehovah increases” (Spanish) |
Pom | ”Apple” (French) |
Porcius | ”Pig” (Latin) |
Rubeus | ”Red” (Latin) |
Rufus | ”Red-haired” (Latin) |
Sylvester | ”Wooded” (Latin) |
Unisex pig names
These gender-neutral names fit male and female pigs alike:
Averil | ”Boar battle” (English) |
Bert | ”Bright” (German) |
Chelsea | ”Chalk landing place” (British) |
Dakota | ”Friend” (Native American) |
Emmett | ”Universal” (German origin) |
Everly | ”Boar” (English) |
Farrow | ”Litter of pigs” (English) |
Parker | ”Park keeper” (English) |
Pepper | The name of a spice. |
Porter | ”Gatekeeper” (English) |
Valentine | ”Strong, healthy” (Latin). A cute name for a pink baby pig! |
Cute pig names
Pigs are cute, especially baby pigs! These adorable animals deserve to be treated as friends rather than breakfast bacon. And they definitely deserve individual names!
Here are some cute names for pigs that reflect their sweet character:
- Angel
- Apple
- Blush
- Butter
- Button
- Cashew
- Chewy
- Chili
- Cupcake
- Dotty
- Fluffy
- Mini
- Muffin
- Nasu
- Noodle
- Nougat
- Oinky
- Pal
- Patches
- Peanut
- Pickles
- Piggy
- Pinktail
- Pinky
- Pompom
- Pudgey
- Pumpkin
- Snuffle
- Spot
- Tater
- Truffle
- Turbo
- Walnut
- Wiggle
- Wobble
- Wonky

Punny and funny pig names
- Guinea Pig
- Hogwarts
- Hogzilla
- Muddy Buddy
- Oinkee
- Oinkers
- Pansy Porkinson
- Piggles
- Piggy Sue
- Porkypine
- Porsche Piggybank
- Sir Oinks-a-Lot
- Swinderella
Famous pig names
These famous pigs appeared in movies, television, literature, and comics:
Babe | The protagonist of the 1995 movie Babe. |
Minimus | A poetic pig in George Orwell’s 1945 novel Animal Farm. |
Misery | Annie Wilkes’s pet sow in Stephen King’s horror thriller novel Misery. |
Miss Piggy | A character in The Muppet Show. |
Napoleon | A leader pig in George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm. |
Old Major | A boar in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. |
Piglet | Winnie the Pooh’s best friend. |
Plopper | Homer Simpson’s pet pig in The Simpsons Movie. Also known as Spider Pig. |
Porco Rosso | An Italian World War I fighter with a pig’s head. The protagonist of the Studio Ghibli anime film Porco Rosso. |
Porky Pig | A character in Looney Tunes. |
Pua | Moana’s pet pig in the 2016 animated Disney film Moana. |
Pumbaa | A warthog in The Lion King. |
Snowball | A pig in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. |
Squealer | A pig in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. |
The Naughty Pigs | The antagonists in the animated television series Shaun the Sheep. |
The Three Little Pigs (Fifer Pig, Fiddler Pig, and Practical Pig) | Famous Disney pigs. Constantly a target of the Big Bad Wolf. |
Wagner | A pig in a famous Finnish comic strip Viivi & Wagner. |
Wilbur | The protagonist in Charlotte’s Web. |

Peppa Pig names
These are the names of the pig characters in the animated television series Peppa Pig:
Daddy Pig | Peppa and George’s father. Daddy Pig’s real name is Perseus Pig (Percy Pig). |
George Pig | Peppa Pig’s little brother. Loves his dinosaur toy. |
Grandpa Pig | Peppa and George’s grandfather. His real name is Manuel Pig. |
Granny Pig | Peppa and George’s grandmother. Her real name is Marge Pig. |
Mummy Pig | Peppa and George’s mother. Mummy Pig’s real name is Rachel Pig. |
Peppa Pig | The protagonist of the series. A cute girl pig. |
Luau Island pigs (Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly)
These are the names of the pigs in the Luau Island realm in the video game Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly:
- Chili
- Hamlet
- Hammy
- Porkins
Unique pig names
Want a name that no other pig has? Consider these unique options:
Name | Meaning | Name gender |
Averhilda | ”Boar battle” (Old English) | Female |
Bardan | ”Lives near the boar’s den” (English) | Male |
Culhwch | ”Hiding place of the pig” (Welsh). Based on Welsh mythology. | Male |
Eberhard | ”Brave boar” (German) | Male |
Eevert | ”Strong boar” (German origin) | Male |
Sæhrímnir | A magical boar in Norse Mythology. Cooked every night in Valhalla; returns to life every morning. | Male |
Swinford | ”Swine ford” (Old English) | Male |

Pig names that start with P
- Paavo
- Pablo
- Paco
- Paris
- Parsley
- Patricia
- Patrick
- Patty
- Pedro
- Peggy
- Pepe
- Peppa
- Percy
- Pernilla
- Perry
- Pepper
- Peppi
- Pepsi
- Peta
- Peter
- Petticoat
- Petunia
- Phil
- Phoebe
- Phoenix
- Pia
- Picasso
- Pierre
- Pilar
- Pincus
- Ping
- Pinja
- Pink
- Pinkie
- Pinto
- Pip
- Piper
- Pippa
- Pippin
- Pipsa
- Pius
- Pixel
- Pixie
- Poe
- Poncho
- Pongo
- Pontus
- Popcorn
- Poppy
- Porchia
- Porky
- Porsia
- Portia
- Posey
- Possu
- Potter
- Prince
- Princess
- Prinz
- Puddle
- Pudgy
- Pumba
- Putte
- Pyry
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